Nov 8, 2009

Maquette number one

So here is the last couple of weeks work on a model. As soon as I put the frame together I realised this was a good way to work because I was able to inhabit a three dimensional object. I think this has a lot to do with the way my thinking works as much as anything else.

The overall structure represented here is a 6 meter cube to be made out of scaffolding. The paper audience give a vague sense of scale.
The scaffolding frame

Floors for audience and stage, upper floor for balcony.
With pitched roof frame added. Audience in seated area and a drop covering the stage mechanics.

The interior with scenic backdrops. The audience would theoretically enter from the right of the picture through the theatre mechanics. The outer shell of the structure is covered with a strengthened PVC to allow light in and out.
The full model with two PVC sides open to reveal inside workings. The audience are part of the full playing space.

View from outside the space with audience.

This has been an incredibly valuable stage to go through, I have been able to ask a lot of questions, some of which I can answer and some I cannot at all. My next model is forming in my head already. I need to blow apart some of my own preconceptions in order to really re-examine this space I call 'theatre' in my head. That's the next challenge.

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